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Here are the four hurdles that expose contradictions in every model for God:

Logical Consistency: Does the model maintain internal logical coherence? For example, if a model asserts that God is both omniscient and that the future is entirely open and undetermined, there could be a contradiction if the model does not adequately reconcile how divine foreknowledge interacts with human free will.

Attribute Compatibility: How does the model address the compatibility of various divine attributes? For instance, if a model proposes that God is both all-powerful and entirely non-interventionist, it may face challenges in explaining how God's omnipotence relates to the lack of direct influence in the world.

Problem of Evil: Does the model offer a satisfactory response to the problem of evil? Many models of God struggle with the issue of reconciling an all-powerful, all-good deity with the existence of suffering and evil in the world.

Divine Immanence and Transcendence: How does the model handle the tension between God being transcendent (beyond and independent from the universe) and immanent (actively present and involved in the world)? Conflicting explanations of these attributes can lead to contradictions.

There is only ONE Model for God that satisfies all four of these hurdles!

Excerpts from "Modeling God: The Meaning of Life - Second Edition"

"We have found that God is a combination of two non-contradictory principles: righteousness and justice. Righteous defines God qualitatively. Just defines God quantitatively. God does not have a free will. God cannot act apart from His nature. God can only do what is righteous and just. Every other quality God exhibits is derived from His being righteous and just." (p. 68)

God is Right and Just. Every attribute of God is guided by these two principles (which are causeless causes) and make up the qualities of God that we see. One is qualitative and the other is quantitative. That addresses Logical Consistency because the two causeless causes can't contradict.

"Let me be clear about this; God has a lot of characteristics (e.g., loving, merciful, compassionate, sanctified, clean, etc.). However, all of these characteristics are a result of being righteous and just. None of these characteristics outweigh righteousness and justice." (p. 36)

This addresses Attribute Compatibility because all the attributes are effects guided by the two causeless causes that have logical consistency.

"Grace: The divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life (“Charis” 5485)". (p. 108)

"The world suffers from sin because it doesn’t operate in grace. This lack of holiness leads to guilt. The entire world suffers from the inability to remove guilt, and we have the answer." (p. 148)

"This book proves that the ultimate cause of all of our good acts is God through grace." (p. 195)

God is not only Right and Just in what He does, but why He does it, and how He does it. God rests, which means He ceased from the occupation of being a first cause on the seventh day. God does not initiate bringing goodness into this world any more. So all of God's abilities are in response to people allowing Him into this world via grace. This addresses the Problem of Evil.

"Every interaction between God and humans can be explained with justice. Every time God moved on someone’s behalf, moved against someone, or refused to move, the reason can be understood by determining where the person stood relative to justice. Unfortunately, people don’t have this understanding, so they reference predestination or sovereignty, and that only leads to more contradictions." (p. 74)

This means God can only move for or against a person in response to justice! That takes care of Divine Immanence and Transcendence!

Modeling God presents the only non-contradictory Model for God!